This has been a very interesting day, a day where the Spirit's guidance has been very evident. We had a very ambitious schedule set up for the day beginning right after lunch. We first had set up appointments to see Sister Swartz, then Sister Stott and finally Sister Malcom. About an hour before our appointment with Sister Swartz she shot us a text saying she was busy and could we come tomorrow. So we arranged to see her tomorrow. Well, now what do we do? So we decided to drop in on Sister Murray. We found her busy making dinner for 3 other families besides her own! This wonderful woman, if she doesn't have enough challenges in her own family, she is always looking out after others. She had a sink full of potatoes to dice, so Elder Gowans asked if she had another knife. She is very willing to allow someone to help, but she will never ask. So we got to work cutting potatoes; after which, we sliced up 4 or 5 sausages. Since we were helping, she was able to get started on the desert, a massive amount of Apple Crisp; she got that already and at that point we needed to leave so we could go see Sister Stott. She walked us out to the car already all done with her dinner prep.
We drove to the Stott's, but didn't find her home, so we shot her off a text to see when she would be back. No answer, so we drove to Walmart to get Sister Gowans some pain patches for her knees. While there we ran into Sister Stock and another Sister from the ward. At that point we had an hour to kill before seeing Sister Malcom. At that time Sister Stott called and said she would be available after 4 pm. We decided to go see Sister Ramsey the Relief Society President for the Grovetown ward. We found her at home and had a nice visit with her. She told us of another Sister who could really use some fellowshipping. So we wrote her name down and will give her a call soon. We reviewed with her her list of sisters with deployed husbands, yes, it matched our list.
From there we dropped in on Sister de La Torre. Darn, we woke her up from a nap. We said hi, and apologized for waking her up and then we headed back to Sister Malcom's. She has not yet let us into her home; she is still in the process of moving in and putting things away, but we had a nice visit with her out in the front; she is warming up to us nicely and we believe she really appreciate's our visits and friendship.
We finally caught Sister Stott and had a short, but nice visit with her. She is lonesome, she doesn't have any family close by, so hopefully she will appreciate our friendship and our visits. We may need to visit her a little more often.
From there we dropped in the Towns. We heard that he returned from his first deployment. Sure enough the entire family was home. He was only gone for 7 weeks. He was assigned as a submarine rider, but apparently the mission was cut short due to lack of mission need. They were certainly all happy that he was home and that they were all back together again.
From this point, more interesting things begin to happen. We didn't have time to drive home for supper, so we drove up on post and went to Burger King, where we were to meet Bishop Burgess and take him to go visit more of our military families on post. We had set up an appointment earlier with the Albert's family at 7 pm, however, we had received a text earlier from them asking if we could come by at 6. We told them we were not meeting up with the Bishop until 6:15, but if wanted we could come by at 6 for a short visit, without the Bishop. So that is what we agreed to do and then visit with them again another time with the Bishop. We were just finishing our meal at 5:45 when we see the Bishop walk into Burger King a whole 30 minutes early. Elder Gowans immediately shot a text to the Albert's saying that they would be there at 6 or a little after with the Bishop. We arrived about 6:08 and had a nice 25 minutes visit with them. He just recently returned from deployment and during his entire absence, she stayed with her family back in California. It is wonderful having them back together and back here at Fort Gordon. This fortuitous circumstance enabled us to get a head start on our visits which enabled us to see everyone we wanted to see during the evening.
From the Albert's, we went to the Stewarts and had a real nice visit with them. From there we went to see the Wickham's where the Bishop invited them to come to church on Sunday. They haven't been since they arrived; they always have an excuse. Anyway, we are hopeful for them. From there we drove off post where we had the opportunity to visit the Ackley family and the Wilkinson family. The Ackleys just had a baby boy about 2 months ago. He is very cute, they have 2 older girls. He plans on getting out of the Air Force in about 10 months and purchasing a business. The Wilkinson family lives in a home where they have had some severe problems, one with the foundation and the other with a leaky roof. They got the foundation fixed, but the roof still leaks. So we went back with the Bishop and see where the leak is coming in at and he promised them help from the ward in getting the problem fixed. Needless to say they were very appreciative. There are several men in the area who should be able to help fix the problem.
It has been a wonderful miraculous evening; we were able to see and visit everyone we wanted to see and visit with. The Bishop has seen all but a couple of our military families now; we will finish up the visits in the next week or two. We love our work, we love seeing the hand of the Lord in the work; He truly is at the head and guiding us in all we do.