Thursday, June 21, 2012

For several days we have been trying to get an appointment with a family whose husband is TDY and will be having back surgery next week. Last evening we were impressed to call her again and was able to get a hold of her. She was rather vague about setting up an appointment, but then she said she needed someone to stay at her house to wait for a repairman to come. The repairman would not come in if there was not an adult present. Her children are old enough to stay home by themselves for the afternoon, being 14, 12 and 8, but not old enough to let the repairman in. So we told her that we would be happy to stay the afternoon until the repairman came. We arrived around 1pm and had a delightful time with the 3 girls playing a fun assortment of games together. The repairman arrived around 3pm and while he was there mom came home. She would have just missed him and would have had to reschedule the appointment, meanwhile the clog in the bath tub would have got worse. 

This evening Sister Gowans went to Relief Society; this was her first time to drive the new vehicle. Elder Gowans accompanied her to the church and sat outside and sent a text message and did a little studying while she was having a good time with the sisters. 

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