Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This morning we helped out at the Post Library Carnival. We arrived at the library around 750am and helped all the library staff carry the games outside. They had a volleyball/badminton net that we set up; they had a mini trampoline, which we had to doctor up somewhat to make it usable;  they had several outside sport toys, a sack race and then they had a bowling game. They had a long carpet that was the bowling lane, a bowling ball and ten pins. Elder Gowans was the pin boy during the hour and half that the carnival went on for. He was very busy setting pins up, helping the kids with the ball and so forth. He was so beat when he got back home that he took a nap. Sister Gowans was the photographer; she had a good time taking pictures of all the kids having a good time.

 Some hula-hoop action
 A little trampoline
 Body Bopper
 Fun at the beach...ops, where is the water?

After his nap, Elder Gowans finished putting together the Institute lesson for Friday. This evening we visited to more families. The first family we visited, the husband attended the same college that Sister Gowans graduated from, Westminster. Interestingly enough, they also had the exact same dining room set that we do in our Layton home. The second family we visited were celebrating their 4 month wedding anniversary. They are a fun young couple, just starting out in life together. They said that they had met on line; they are probably the 10th couple that we have met who have met on line, incredible!

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