Friday, August 17, 2012

This morning we prepared some more for our institute class and then went out to Harlem to visit a young man whose wife left him earlier in the year and took with her their two children. It was obvious as we visited with him that he was still very hurt and longed to be with his family. Divorce is rarely all one sided, but usually there is fault with both parties. If both will realize this and work together not to dwell on the negative characteristics of the other then hopefully the two can work out their differences and live happily together; after all, at the time of marriage the positives certainly out weighed the negatives. It is so sad when you see a family torn apart and the hurt and the pain that go with it. Certainly the worst hurt are the children.

We had a wonderful institute this evening. The Spirit of the Lord was very strong as we discussed 3 Nephi chapters 15-17. It was a small group this evening, but our faithful soldier who always comes was there despite having his wisdom teeth pulled this morning. We love this young man.

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