Tuesday, November 26, 2013

This morning, we drove over to the Estep's home for breakfast. We enjoyed a wonderful meal of sausage gravy and biscuits, eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit drink and even some herbal tea. Elder Gowans ordered sunny-side up eggs and then laid them over his sausage gravy and biscuits and then broke the yoke over it. Yum! Sister Gowans ordered scrambled eggs and ate them with her bacon. Afterwards, Elder Gowans helped President Estep lift an LG front load dryer on top of their LG front load washer. We then fastened the washer to the dryer. After all the eating and the work was done, we enjoyed a nice visit with them.

During the afternoon, Elder Gowans made six cream pies for our Thanksgiving day with the Student/Soldiers. He made three death by chocolate/peanut butter and 3 strawberry/coconut. We hope that they will be enjoyed by all who will come hungry and ready to eat!

This evening, we took half a chocolate pie and chocolate topping to the Janssen family along with the DVD, "Mr. Kruger's Christmas". We thought they would enjoy something nice to watch during this coming Christmas Season. Tomorrow, we will take the same thing to the Sanders family. While we were out this evening, we also stopped by the Stewart family, Herr family and Johnson family.

As we arrived back at the apartment, we saw our three new Elders, Elder Hatch, and Elder and Sister Meacham out in the parking lot. So we drove up and introduced ourselves to the three new young men. They seemed to be real top notch Elders.

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