Saturday, November 3, 2012

Words cannot express the incredible afternoon we have had today as we were taught so profoundly by Elder David A. Bednar. Basically he stood and instructed us by precept and by example for 3 hours. He began the afternoon by teaching us a pattern of learning and then throughout the remainder of the evening we employed that pattern as he had missionaries stand and share what they had learned through a diligent study of what it means to learn by study and also by faith. Then for nearly 2 of those 3 hours he answered some very profound and deep questions concerning personal struggles the missionaries faced. The Spirit of God was incredibly strong as we were all in awe of the amount of learning that took place as we were taught by the Spirit through Elder Bednar a true Apostle of Jesus Christ. Truly man cannot write all that transpired and do justice to it. It can only be understood by the Spirit of God.

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