Tuesday, April 9, 2013

After two days of postponements, we finally made it back to the Rockhill family. Unfortunately, just before we arrived Sister Rockhill splattered hot grease from the chicken she was cooking all down the front of her neck. She was laying on the couch with a bag of cold ice on her chest and neck when we arrived. We helped brother Rockhill with the children, helped him get dinner ready and by then she was feeling better and was able  to enjoy dinner with the rest of us. After a delicious dinner of chicken fried steak, green beans, mashed potatoes and freshly made biscuits, we sat down and had a nice discussion about the commandments of God, to include, Tithing, Fast Offerings, WOW, Chastity, and Following the Prophets.

Earlier in the day we began our week of apartment checks. We checked Waynesboro, Grovetown and Augusta. Then we received a call from President Holm, he came down and bought lunch for all the missionaries to met their goals for the month. Then he took Elder Gowans and Elder Decker out for a tour, where to will be mentioned later, but Jacob or Grandpa might be able to guess where.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I'm guessing this was what your email was about... That's very very cool that you got to go. Any idea how much those tickets cost?
