Wednesday, January 1, 2014

This evening, we had a wonderful visit with a new family, the Elms, who began attending our Branch about 4 weeks ago. He is in the process of being med boarded out of the Army; he hopes he will be out by March. He has a class all lined up down in Florida to become a Motorcycle Mechanic. We wish him the very best and hope that everything works out for him.

So we have some interesting stats to put up for you: In the year 2013, we drove approximately 23,172 miles; we spent $2,995 in gas, which is one month of my retirement pay; we filled up 83 times with an average cost of $36.00. An average day of driving is 64 miles, filling up every 4 or 5 days. The most expensive fillup was $51.00 and that happened 3 or 4 times when gas was upward to 3.60/gal.

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